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Electricity is carried by current, or the flow of electrons. One useful characteristic of current is that it creates its own magnetic field. This is useful in many types of motors and appliances. Cond ...

Nearly everyone has had some fun playing with magnets, trying to pick up different magnetic things, feeling the repelling force when pushing poles together, or even prying strong magnets apart. But ho ...

Magnets are everywhere in our everyday lives! Hard drives that store data in your computer are coated with a magnetic material, the speakers in your headphones are powered by magnets, and your refrige ...

Electricity makes our lives easier by powering our lights, refrigerators, and even some cars! Electricity can travel around in systems called circuits, which carry current—a stream of flowing electron ...

Light, a form of electromagnetic radiation, travels in waves. The range of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see is called visible light.Light intensity is a measure of the average power associated ...

What makes a ball bouncy? Have you ever wondered why some balls bounce higher than others? A ball’s ability to bounce has a lot to do with its elasticity. So what is elasticity? It’s an object’s abili ...

Light propagates, or travels, in waves. Waves have two main properties: frequency and wavelength. When you know one, it’s pretty easy to calculate the other.When light waves overlap they create interf ...

A pulley is a mechanical device that can be used to lift heavily objects more easily. Pulleys consist of a wheel that rotates on an axle—which is a rod through the center of the wheel—and a rope, cabl ...

Electric energy is carried by current, which is the flow of electrons, which are the negatively charged sub-particles of atoms. This transfer of electrons from one place to another powers our lights, ...

Newton’s First Law of Motion states that when an object is set in motion, it will remain in motion until acted on by an outside force. Theoretically, this could mean you could travel at the same speed ...